Your Opinion, Which Album is Redman’s Best? Let’s Chop It Up…

New York City has birth some of the best emcees in the game.  The five boroughs have played their part during the East Coast dominance, but we must not forgot about New Jersey or “Dirty Jersey” and their contributions. One of my favorite Jersey rappers is Redman.

In 1992, Redman stepped onto the rap scene with his hit debut, Whut? Thee Album. It featured the memorable and energetic single, “Time 4 Sum Aksion.” Comical lyrics and Eric Sermon’s funky production was the ingredients for the album. It turned out to be a golden recipe, leading the album to gold status.  Redman himself confessed to HipHopWired that, indeed, it was his favorite album from his catalog.

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“It was the firstborn and I had hands on it from top to bottom,” he says in the interview.

In the same interview, Redman wasn’t too enthused with his sophomore album, Dare Iz a Darkside despite reaching gold status as well.  Stating he was in a dark place during it’s creation.

Doc’s third and fourth releases, Muddy Waters and Doc’s da Name 2000, help solidify him as one of the more consistent rappers in the game. The latter album featured “I’ll Bee Dat,” one of my personal favorites.

The New Jersey native dropped three more release, Red Gone Wild:Thee Album, Reggie, and Mudface before going on a five year hiatus. In 2015, Doc’s was back with his eight album, Mudface.  It reached 13th on Billboard’s Top R&B/HipHop chart.

Doc’s hardcore but comedic approach made him stand out among his peers. It even influenced a radio personality turned rapper by the name of Ludacris.

In your opinion, which was Redman’s best album?

Muddy Waters – 50%

Doc’s da Name 2000 – 50%

Whut? Thee Album – 0%

Dare Iz a Darkside – 0%

Malpractice – 0%

Redman Gone Wild Thee Album – 0%

Reggie – 0%

Mudface – 0%

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